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University of Sydney

Arts Psychology Building


Refurbishment of
existing building

The project involved the refurbishment of existing accommodation in Buildings A14 (Quadrangle), A17 (Christopher Brennan), A18 (Mungo MacCallum) and F12 (Transient building) and the construction of a new substation in Building A19 (Griffith Taylor).

The works included the upgrading of all interiors, including extensive heritage works and the provision of new services infrastructure, installation of air conditioning, two new lifts and a commercial kitchen.

The project involved the demolition, alterations and additions of an existing chamber substation located under the Seymour Theatre with the new construction of pits, chaser, access door/hatches and the introduction of new access stairs.

In conjunction with the substation upgrade, Lipman carried out the demolition and construction of a new regional switchroom for the University.

Sydney University
Manning Road, Darlington
Lump Sum
Manning Road, Darlington
Completion Date

project team

The project team was continually focused upon the operation of a complex building site within the confines of an academic institution, with many construction activities being scheduled around exam and lecture periods to reduce disturbance to the University’s main function of teaching.

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